About Me

I am a postgraduate researcher at the University of Bristol, supervised by Prof. Dima Damen. I am studying egocentric video understanding, in particular managing and working with multi-modal data, specifically audio-visual. The areas of research I express particular interests in are: multi-modal deep learning, egocentric video understanding (action recognition/detection) and 3D Multi-Object Tracking. I completed my MEng in Computer Science at the University of Bristol, achieving a first class honours, where my dissertation: “Video GANs for Human-Object Interactions” scored highly. Alongside my research, I have experience in teaching assistance for University modules I performed well in.

I have experience with many programming languages, such as: C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Python, Flutter and Haskell with larger experience and proficiency in Python, Javascript and C++.

Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).